Not Your Average Listener: Charlie chauffeurs Amish men to & from work
Charlie doesn’t think her job is very interesting, but you did.
That’s probably because it’s a common gig in the Lancaster area, but to the rest of us, the position is very unique:
I left a full-time job in the veterinary field for a position with a local company that employs a lot of Amish men and as you know, the Amish don’t drive. So I was hired to drive them to and from work Monday-Friday. I get up at 4:00 a.m. to make my way to their homes, pick them up and have them to work by 6:00 a.m.
She chauffeurs Amish men to & from work, a job that allows her to spend a lot more time with her family and (our favorite part) listen to the entire Preston & Steve Show everyday! Fun Fact: One of her passengers was on the show “Amish Mafia.”
89% of the voters said YES, Charlie is a Not Your Average Listener. And that was before we heard this adorable story:
P.S. My daughter has a fish tank at home and named all the fish after the cast of the morning show. There are two large Angel Fish that are Preston and Steve. The other fish (Casey, Nick, Kathy and Marisa) have been replaced a few times. It turns out that Angel Fish are aggressive and have eaten quite a few of their smaller tank mates. We currently have a Preston, Steve, Nick2, Kathy3 and Marisa3…Casey2 was eaten a few weeks ago and we haven’t gotten a Casey3 yet.
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