Is Lauren a Not Your Average Listener?
Lauren is the first listener of The Preston & Steve Show that we’ve met who is “allergic” to water.Yup, you read that right, Lauren has a condition called Aquagenic Urticaria.
Every question you could possibly think of was answered in our interview (#1 Do you take showers? YES. How?)
Read her submission for Not Your Average Listener:
Hey Bitches –
I honestly can’t believe it’s taken me this long to send this email, but better late than never. My names Lauren Ford, I’m 29 and hail from Pennsburg, PA. To start, here’s an article from NYmag and an interview with a fellow sufferer: Link
So what exactly is it that you are allergic to? Is it all types of water … ?
Technically, it’s a skin disease, not an allergy. Everyone produces oils that soften their skin, but the oils I produce become toxic when they meet water — and that’s the part that’s a mystery to doctors. They don’t know how or why the oil in my skin is different, if it’s genetic or if it was brought on by something in my childhood. They have taken skin samples and tested the oil. So far I seem to be completely normal — aside from the fact that I turn water into acid.
I was diagnosed by Temple Children’s when I was 8 and was told then that I was one of only a few that the doctor had ever even HEARD of, let alone encountered as a patient. I had done the typical allergy test done where they prick you with different allergens and my parents did their best to mitigate some of the common allergens that I tested positive for such as dust. When I continued to get violent hives daily, my own mother caught onto something – I was breaking out in hives every time I took a shower. Then we noticed I would get them when I was swimming and after exercising (sweat). I’d even get them on my face when I cried.
After living with this for 20 years, I’ve grown accustomed to it. I still shower daily and was even a lifeguard for 8 years. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, right?
Thanks for reading my story!
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