VIDEO: Dave Grohl Brings Guitar to Blind Child to Play with During Gig
Another Foo Fighters concert, another kind gesture from Dave Grohl, proving why fans hold him in such high regard.
At the band’s St. Paul, Minn. show on October 18, Grohl took time out during the performance of “La Dee Da” and went to the side of the stage to allow a blind child named Owen in attendance play with his guitar.
This beautiful moment gained attention via Consequence of Sound, and in the comment section of the site’s Facebook page, Owen’s mother, Stacy, shared the following:
“Hello! Thank you for sharing this. I am Owen’s mom. Owen is in fact blind, he also has Autism, Crohn’s Disease and developmental disabilities. Owen loves concerts so much. He was definitely not tired, he likes to be held up front at most shows and we take turns holdiyhim up so he can dance. Dave Grohl and all of the crew were incredibly kind to our family.”
Erica Banas is a rock/classic rock blogger that loves the smell of old vinyl in the morning.