AUDIO: Interview with NatGeo Photographer Steve Winter
“I love that everyone carries a camera with a phone in it!” National Geographical Photographer Steve Winter spoke to The Preston & Steve Show about the effect Instagram has on his industry.
To our surprise, the photographer, who specializes in shooting big cats, is optimistic about the constant desire to capture every moment for social media. “Keep photographing your food because every time you do it you’re gonna go, I could do it this way, and make it a little better,” he stated with the belief that snapping away helps individuals become visually literate and discover new appreciations for art.
Over his career, Steve has created one-of-a-kind images that have been shared around the world for instance the Hollywood Cougar he graciously gave us to feature at the top of the page. And remember that Snow Leopard footage in the film, The Secret Life of Walter Mitty? That was his!
We encourage everyone to see Steve speak tonight at the Merriam Theater as part of the National Geographic Live series (tickets available on and follow his journeys in the palm of your hand: