Philly Fire Department is Asking Residents to Dial 311 for a Smoke Alarm
Listen to Fire Commissioner Adam Thiel & Battalion Chief of Fire Prevention Tommy Kane on The Preston & Steve Show Tuesday, April 30th at 9:30am to hear information about this program and why it is so important for our city.
A note from Battalion Chief Thomas Kane, fan of the Preston & Steve Show: I am a Battalion Chief in the Philadelphia Fire Department assigned to the Fire Prevention Division. We received a grant from FEMA for $1 Million to install 31,000- 10 year, Lithium battery operated smoke alarms and 4,000 adaptive smoke alarms for the deaf, hard of hearing and those who would have difficulty responding to a standard alarm. These adaptive alarms have a bed shaker which vibrates the bed or chair, waking the occupant. (Go ahead gentlemen, I’m sure you can come up with a joke or two about vibrating beds and smoke alarms…) The best part of this program that in order to request the smoke alarms, city residents only have to call “311” or use the 311 app to make the request. Once received, this request is delivered to the individual fire companies who actually carry out the installation. This program has no cost to the residents – their only responsibility is having the information and making the call!
This is where you could be of assistance; If you could help us get this information out, you would be part of our life saving effort. As we all know, smoke alarms do save lives, and WMMR’s commitment to the community is already outstanding, with the Campout for Hunger and the Blood Drive, just to name two. Adding a life saving Fire Prevention message would just fit right in with what you already do.
Thanks for your help and also for making my morning commute a little less painful.
Thomas Kane · Battalion Chief · Philadelphia Fire Department · Fire Prevention Division