Preston & Steve’s Quarantined Entertainment – Day 1
It’s obviously past the first day we’re supposed to be practicing social distancing and self quarantining, but it’s the first day we’re back at full strength. So each day we’re going to provide a few of our favorite internet gems to keep you entertained after the show/podcast is done.
Brandon Flowers singing the chorus of Mr. Brightside while washing his hands:
But this is.
— The Killers (@thekillers) March 16, 2020
Arnold rambling with a Lulu & Whiskey.
Stay at home as much as possible. Listen to the experts, ignore the morons (foreheads). We will get through this together.
— Arnold (@Schwarzenegger) March 16, 2020
A colony of monkeys are more generous than a supermarket of panicked shoppers.
Take note shoppers.
— Kevin W. (@Brink_Thinker) March 16, 2020
Notice - how monkeys only take what's needed?