Did you catch the Preston & Steve shout out during Mystery Science Theater 3000 Livestream?
Does anyone know Conor McGriffin? Because we need to be best friends. Last night, one hour and thirty seven minutes into the Mystery Science Theater 3000 LIVE Social Distancing Riff-Along Special Tom Servo (voiced by Conor McGriffin) drops a reference to OUR show. How cool is that?
We did a little digging and found out that Conor is from Delaware and has spent a short time performing in the Lancaster area, but how did we end up on the tip of his tongue during the riff-along? If anyone knows Conor please give him a big THANK YOU from the whole Preston & Steve Family!
Woah, #mst3klive just did a call out to @PrestonSteve933 !
— Adam Gastonguay (@TheCthulhuKid) May 3, 2020
Whoa, a @PrestonSteve933 reference on the @MST3K Live Social Distancing Riff Along!
— Chris McGuinness (@DramaGuyCJM) May 3, 2020
Wow! Preston and Steve reference! @PrestonSteve933 on the Live Riff-A-Long! NICE! ✌️😀 #MST3K #MST3KLiveSocialDistancingRiffAlongSpecial #MST3KLive
— Caveman Chris✌️❤️ 🍺 (@ChrisAFilippone) May 3, 2020