This Week’s Featured Studies: Psychopaths, Entrepreneurs & Youngest Siblings
From Preston & Steve’s featured segment of The Just Sayin’ Institute:
Have you ever found yourself talking like someone else by accident? You’re not alone! According to a recent study, people will actually change how they talk depending on how others around them speak. In fact, even how we think someone might sound can determine how our voices change. This was particularly present with the U.S Southern accent with some participants outside of the U.S. inferring what the accent sounds like without ever hearing it. So be careful next time you’re in our area out to eat in the Pewconos, you might order a hewgie! [source]
A blast from the past may actually help reduce types of pain. That’s right, according to a recent study images that cause you to feel nostalgia help with low level pain experiences. Researchers in China tested out a variety of generic nostalgic images on test subjects and found that those subjects rated their pain levels lower. On the other hand, people that were looking at regular unrelated images didn’t experience the same level of change in their pain level. So the next time you have a headache, throw on an episode of your favorite TV show from when you were a kid and it might help! [source]
Entrepreneurs have a certain “look” about them that makes them more likely to lead. Not only do they get to look good, but they get to succeed too! Recent research shows that up and comers with a more symmetrical face and prominent cheekbones are more likely to become successful leaders. However there’s good news for all of you without perfect cheekbones, the study did not find any correlation between symmetrical faces and long term success from the entrepreneurs. [source]
Psychopaths have certain traits in order to identify them. Scientists have narrowed it down to five key traits. This comes after looking at multiple examples of famous psychopaths including Ted Bundy, Bernie Maddof, and Chuck Yeager. That’s right, the guy who broke the sound barrier was a bonafide psychopath! The idea behind the study was that with these five traits discovered it may be easier in the future to identify more psychopaths. What are the five traits? Click the link to find out! [source]
Depending on what order you were born in, you may become a different person. You’ve probably heard the stereotypes about being born in a certain order. The golden child, the attention seeking child, etc. It turns out there may be some truth to these ideas. A theory from psychotherapist Virginia Satir breaks it all down. She says that each child fits into a certain role. It’s an extensive breakdown and some roles include the “peacemaker” and “hero” child. What role do you think you or your siblings fall into? [source]