Study Says Dad Jokes Help Kids Grow into Healthy Adults
Imagine this, you have some friends over after school and your dad just dropped the most cringe-worthy dad joke of all time. We’re talking the type of joke where nobody’s laughing but him. Everyone knows the feeling. Your vision starts going black, your ears are ringing, and you can’t even bear to look at your friends.
What do you do? You could laugh at the joke, but that shows your cards too easily. You’re supposed to look cool in front of your friends, and your dad betrays you and does that? The one job he had was to make you look cooler, not completely ruin your life.
It’s enough to make us cry just thinking about it, and we’re adults.
As it turns out, a new study shows that you have become a stronger person because of those embarrassing moments. Who knew?
In a recent article, Marc Hye-Knudsen of the British Psychological Society wrote that dad jokes are good ways kids to learn how to overcome embarrassment at a young age. Dads put their egos on the line for a joke and find a way to bounce back if it receives more eyerolls than laughs. So go ahead, thank your dad for embarrassing you in front of your 6th grade friends.
Let’s be real here, Dad jokes have been around since the earliest days of mankind. I mean, who’s to say that Adam didn’t tell Cain and Abel some lame pun about snakes? Dad jokes are a way of life, a natural cycle that continues from generation to generation with no cease in delay.
Now look at you, you have survived every single dad-joke your father, mother, or friend has thrown your way. It might not be your proudest moment, but it made you less of a hard head, and that’s something everyone can be thankful for.
Hell, the best part about it is that you don’t even have to be a dad to crack a dad joke anymore. Dad jokes can be said to friends, foes, and everyone in between.
It’s time to start appreciating all the hard work dad’s do on a daily basis to make us shrivel up into our turtle shells. It’s not that they’re not funny, because let’s face the facts here: just like farts and fart noises, dad jokes are so unfunny they’re hilarious.
It’s Phil Dunphy’s time to shine, as well as your own. So don’t be a quack, put your white sketchers and jorts combo on and get out and tell those dad jokes. Tell them to your own kids, tell them to your spouse, tell them to your neighbor, tell them to anyone who will listen, really.
It will be a growing moment for them and an especially empowering moment for you.