A woman was trying to get away from a cat attacking her was run over by her own car… A NC man had to spend almost 24 hours in a waffle house because he was the loser of his fantasy football league… There was an apartment fire when a man was trying to burn a wolf spider with a torch lighter… Footage of a humpback whale was recovered of the whale shielding a diver from a tiger shark… One whale took the diver under its fin while another shooed away the tiger shark… A stunned family has been reunited with their cat from 15 years ago… An Ohio man has been found not guilty by reason of insanity after killing his mother after Pat Sajak told him to do it… A man in Sweden picked up a hand grenade from the ground, killed him and his partner… DC police have arrested a man who was trying to recover a package of 9 pounds of marijuana that was delivered to the wrong address…