A couple high on bath salts thought that fireflies were green lasers from aliens and broke into multiple homes… A man bought a meal from McDonalds six years ago keeping it on a shelf ever since claiming it has yet to rot and plans to sell it on eBay for $29.99… A drunk pig tried to fight a cow after drinking three cases of beer that were left by campers… A drunk driver lit his cigarette with his flaming car and singed off his eyebrows… A woman was violently attacked by a rooster… 24 people were killed in a Mexican town after multiple explosions… A man and child were stuck on a zip line in Gator Land above a pool of gators for 25 minutes… A man who had a metal cup stuffed up his butt claimed it was put there by muggers… Researchers in Finland said they found a new wasp with a huge weapon like stinger called a Clistopyga crassicaudata