A man returned to his New Jersey home to find his wife and lover dead in the garage after dying of carbon monoxide poisoning having sex… A man came close to death after coming face to face with a bull when trying to buy a car… Two people were randomly hit by someone with an axe at a convenience store… A burglar got trapped and called 911 on himself because he got trapped while vandalizing two business owners’ escape room… An FBI agent that accidentally shot a man doing a backflip at a nightclub last month is able to carry a firearm again… A man smuggled and sold 35,000 turtles and is facing upwards of 35 years in prison… An Israeli man tragically died on his honeymoon while zip lining in Honduras… A drunken man drove a construction crane for 9 miles on the Long Island Expressway destroying multiple cars… A squirrel feasts on the insides of a condom