Pit bull went after and captured a suspected armed robber last week… The death of a beloved alpaca in Florida was caused by a man leaving food for the animal to eat after being asked to stop… A man was caught on camera driving and deep throating the foot of a woman in the passenger seat… A visitor to a Portuguese museum was injured last week when he stepped into a giant hole that looked like a cartoonish painting on the floor… A man in China had to be rescued after getting his finger stuck in a sex toy vending machine for 20 minutes… An intoxicated man thought he was in the clear when he took a taxi to his parents’ house to sleep off a night out when it turned out his parents haven’t lived there for two years… A naked man was seen running around and walking into several businesses grabbing his genitals before he was detained by the police and taken to the hospital… A family in Northern Virginia fell ill after eating wild mushrooms unaware that they were nicknamed ‘the vomitter’…