A man known as ‘The Bee Man’ removed a massive bee nest the size of a human body from the front seat of an El Camino… A hospital security guard was arrested after he was seen having relations with a corpse… On a 19 year old’s first day of work, a cocaine snorting boss dressed in a woman’s clothes, and pulled out a foot long dildo while watching porn… As a result of a gamer’s extreme gaming addiction, he opens up about feeling isolated and friendless as well as losing his Welsh accent… A 5 year old claimed a man urinated on her while yelling racist slurs but it turned out another child urinated on her and she didn’t want to tattle tale… Legal sex booths have been deemed to be an extreme success after celebrating their 5th anniversary in Switzerland… Two men were cited after they were seen jet skiing naked… An 11 year old confronted a home invader when a stranger was helping himself to items in the fridge…