Preston & Steve® | 6am – 10:30am

Preston & Steve® | 6am – 10:30am

#558 Gross but Skillful: Woman Arrested For Launching Poop At A Police Download

Download September 21st, 2018

A woman resists arrest by releasing her bowels all over her arresting police officer… A couple caught stealing clothes from Walmart, to wear to an upcoming court hearing… A man accidently shot himself while inside of a Chuck E. Cheese… A 15 year old boy was caught drunk driving with an infant in the vehicle… Italy’s first and only sex doll brothel has been shut down by police 9 days after it was opened… A baby was born with 4 legs and 2 sets of genitals in India… A mother was woken up nightly by a creepy rendition of “It’s Raining, It’s Pouring” that was being triggered by spiders… To be a long term resident in a Chilean settlement in Antarctica, members must have their appendix removed…  

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