Virginia is suspending a newly introduced policy that would have barred women from wearing tampons or menstrual cups on prison visits… The first man to be prosecuted under the new catcalling law in France has been fined for assaulting a young woman… Oklahoma mother was at work when her son’s school called saying he had a dead squirrel in his backpack… A man and woman were attacked on a bridge leading to the woman’s bike and the man getting tossed into the water… Two drivers were hit by bowling balls while driving… A kangaroo is on the loose in Florida… A six flags is looking for contestants to participate in a challenge requiring them to stay in a closed coffin for 30 hours… A caterer saved the day when he overheard that the officiant of a wedding broke her ankle and married the two people in her place… A tattoo artist was surprised when a client sent him a message saying he can’t make his appointment because he had three prostitutes coming over… A brothel filled with sex robots will be opening in Houston, Texas…