Preston & Steve® | 6am – 10:30am

Preston & Steve® | 6am – 10:30am

#634 10yr old Proves that Tom Brady is a Cheater, Wins Science Fair Download

13:00 Download January 25th, 2019

Woman at a Waffle house gets naked and lick employees face…  Man scales twenty foot wall at the zoo and then falls into lion enclosure…  Lexington boy wins science fair with his project that proves Tom Brady is a Cheater…  A Baptist Missionary from Maine has been accused of invading the territory of the Hi-Merimã and exposing them to deadly disease…  The Cleveland Browns Play DP at their office… Man protects his farm from wolves with wacky wavy flailing inflatable arm tube men…  Man exposes himself to his female pizza delivery Driver…  Woman Devours entire Durian Fruit before entering Subway…  Park officials at Redwood city Park in California urge people to call police if they see any coyotes carrying a box marked Acme or a giant Magnet…

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