Preston & Steve® | 6am – 10:30am

Preston & Steve® | 6am – 10:30am

#642 Vape pen kills 24yr old man after it explodes in his face Download

15:41 Download February 6th, 2019

Man’s autopsy from last year says he died of meth overdose before being eaten by bear…  Hypothermal man taken to the hospital walked more than 10 miles back without clothing…  24 year old died last month after his vape pen exploded in his face… Man accused of firing gun shots when he saw his two friends getting down and dirty in the hot tub and got jealous… Two people missing after driving a 15 thousand pound snow cat onto a frozen lake… Undercover police posed as drug dealers so another police group raided the house now there is an investigation… Paternity test of baby Orangutan dna samples says the accused father didn’t match and matched with another… Pub boss from the UK started to hump his car… Teenager arrested to attempted theft of stealing a jet to fly to a rap concert… Trailer runner ran off and fought a mountain lion…

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