LaBelle High School senior prank letter asks male students to submit ‘penis inspections’… Deputies said 40 people broke into Clewiston High School and caused at least $50,000 in damages… A restaurant investigated by council after claiming to sell aardvark pizza… Cafeteria workers arrested after fight at Greenwich High… A Chinese patient’s ear pain was caused by a spider building a nest… Man drives his BMW through a mall as shoppers look on in shock… A man pleads guilty to masturbating in church’s baptismal pool during Mass… A Chinese attempted to eat a live octopus on her live stream… More than 1,000 guns were seized from a home in upscale Los Angeles neighborhood, but authorities said there was no indication they were used in crimes… An Ohio woman was arrested after allegedly breaking into home, petting their dog, and washing dishes… IT worker, 23, chops off his penis and testicles to become genderless… A group of Georgia women bought a Lego box purchased at a South Carolina shop and found a large bag of meth worth $40,000 inside…