Preston & Steve® | 6am – 10:30am

Preston & Steve® | 6am – 10:30am

#836 Penis Man Strikes Again: Graffiti Artist Writes #PenisMan All Over Download

14:46 Download January 8th, 2020

Man almost died from having a piece of popcorn stuck in his teeth from trying to poke it out with other tools… Man saw a spider dragging a gold fish out of his pond… 30 year old woman spent days in a clothes donation bin until fire fighters were able to get her out… Infant who went missing was found after her mother was taken to the emergency room for having an arrow in her butt… Ottawa hospitals morgues are overfilled causing them to leave dead bodies in other rooms… Women growing pubic hair on her face after doctors used skin from groin after surgery when she was 9… Two people are accused of trying too scam with lottery tickets… Tried to cash it in and sentence is up to 20c years in prison… Police are looking for graffiti artist tagging penis man all over the city… Squirrel destroys Atlanta couples home after falling down the chimney…

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