Chinese theme park faces outrage after it forced a pig to bungee jump 220 feet to advertise the new bungee attraction… Rhode Island man accidentally shot himself in the scrotum in bed… Facebook apologizes after Burmese translation changes Chinese president’s name to “Mr Craphole”…. Man taking out trash avoided one-antlered moose by ducking inside shed… Indian man died after being slashed by rooster with razor tied to its limbs during an illegal cock fight… FedEx caught on camera rolling large package delivering mattress with both sides of the box open… Out of Gainesville Texas, radio station manager denied by DMV after requesting license plate KGAF because it could be construed as Kant Give A F. Bank robber with meat cleaver used pillow case on head to hide identity but forgot to make eyeholes… Michigan man found 43k hidden in couch from second hand store, gave it back to the family who donated it… In Argentinian mall, someone parked in the shopping cart spot so employees responded by blocking the vehicle in with the carts.