Jacky Bam Bam

BAMBAM Has Alot In Common With The BLACK VEIL BRIDES!! Download

Download June 28th, 2011
I spoke with Black Veil Brides founder and lead singer Andy Sixx Biersack who just got released from the hospital after busting 3 ribs jumping off stage at they’re Hollywood homecoming “Set The World On Fire” album release party. Andy seemed to be in good spirits stitching up his wounds, so we got into his idols, Kiss, Motley, Pretty Boy Floyd, they are managed by Blasko (Ozzy bassist), how great A&R man Jason Flom signed them, and info on the upcoming Warped Tour which we will see The BLACK VEIL BRIDES on 7/21/11 at the S-Center. Hope u enjoy my chat with Andy Biersack as much as I did BVBArmy!!..As Alice Cooper said “they’re everything a band should be!”..

Andy Biersack of Black Veil Brides falls at a show in Hollywood CA [the fall occurs at 1:10]:

Black Veil Brides – The Legacy


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