Checkpoint XP

Can Microsoft Save Gamestop? Download

01:27:40 Download October 20th, 2020

(0:00) Can Microsoft save Gamestop?
Microsoft has announced a massive partnership with Gamestop right on the heals of the Microsoft stores closing down. Is it a match made in heaven or too little too late?
(12:00)  Shroud V Ninja
Ninja was caught complaining about how much he has to pay in taxes, while Shroud handled the topic much better. Who do you prefer?
(24:00) OWL Grand Finals and League Worlds Update
Robbie goes over the Grand Finals of the Overwatch League, while Kali gives us an update on the League of Legends World Championship.
(34:00) New Avengers Content
Don’t worry, there’s more Avengers content on the way! Is the game worth the money?
(43:48) Game characters on Only Fans?

Robbie and James go head to head as they debate what game characters would put on their only fans page.
(55:48) Gaming and Esports News – 

Japanese company Opens “Adult ThemePark” in Toyko
Rambo to appear as a DLC character in Mortal Kombat 11
Watch Dogs: Legion will include an Assassin’s Creed Crossover with a modern day assassin
Amazon Crucible finally shut down
Judge Officially Keeps Apple from Blocking Unreal Engine
Rapper Logic Pays over $220k for rare Pokemon Card
(1:07:50) The Patient Gamer
On this week’s edition of the Patient Gamer, we take a look at Jet Set Radio!
(1:17:48) Social Media Check-in
We check in with our social media followers to find out if 2020 was a game, what game would it be?

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