Checkpoint XP

Console Conundrum Download

01:28:12 Download November 20th, 2020

(0:00) PS5 and Series X Release
The PS5 and X-Box Series X are here and neither of them had perfect releases. Massive shortages have lead to crazy high demand and a lot of frustration. The guys break down all the latest.
(12:00) Twitch DMCA Gets Worse
Last week, we talked about an ugly situation developing with Twitch DMCA takedowns. Somehow, it’s only gotten worse and the guys are not at all pleased.
(24:15) Games On Demand
Sony and Microsoft are squaring off in more than just new consoles. It’s also a battle between Gamepass and PlayStation Now for the ‘netflix of games’ title. And on this front, Microsoft has the edge.
(34:15) US Army In Esports
The guys welcome on Sergeant First Class Jones to talk about the US Army’s involvement in esports.
(44:04) Fill in the blank

Producer Kali joins us to see how close we’ve been paying attention to our show. He’s got a list of gaming headlines we’ve covered over the last year, and we’ve got to fill in the blanks.
(56:04) Gaming and Esports News – 

Destiny 2 Player count on Steam is at an all-time high
In Japan, Sony will stop servicing the Original Ps4
There’s a tiny Master Chief watching over every Xbox Series S
APEX Season 7 Battle Pass Controversary
GDC All-Women Speedrunning Event
HasanAbi rivaled major news outlets for Presidential Election Coverage
(1:08:19) The Patient Gamer
On this week’s edition of the Patient Gamer, we look at the game that launched an okay franchise into the stratosphere – Assassin’s Creed 2.
(1:18:19) Social Media Check-in
We check in with our social media followers to find out what your favorite dead video game franchise is.

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