Dear Citizens,
I don’t know if you saw the article in today’s (Tuesday, January 18th) Inquirer but it spoke about the unfortunate events happening to many of the Camden police and fire department members who, unfortunately, are losing their jobs today. The article mentioned that about 163 police officers, 60 fire fighters, as well as 150 non uniformed city employees would lose their jobs. Apparently the city is facing a 26.5 million dollar budget gap. It seems yet another sad development for the good people in the tortured town of Camden, NJ. Here’s what I said on the air about it today followed by a few e-mail comments I got right after. Let me know what you think.
“I just heard from a friend that you did a story on the Camden firefighters and police officers that were laid off today. I would like to thank you personally. Though I am not firefighter in Camden City I am a firefighter in the neighboring town of Pennsauken, NJ. Not many news outlets are covering this very important story as closely as they should be. Again thank you for getting the story more coverage.”
“Heard your commentary about the police and firefighters in Camden. Not only do I feel sorry for those losing their jobs, but I also feel for the ones that are left. They are going to be in even more danger because of less people to back up police responding to incidents, or help comrades in dangerous fire situations.”
“Hello Pierre!
My brother in law is a Camden police officer who will be turning in his badge today. What a nice thing to say asking listeners to keep those folks in their prayers! My sister and husband are beyond stressed about what they are gonna do…Hopefully everything will work out for the best.”
“Thank you for your thoughts. Im sure the Camden officers appreciate it : )”