James Cuorato, CEO of The Independence Visitor Center Corporation, discussed Philadelphia’s unique tourist asset, the IVCC. A combined effort of the City of Philadelphia, the two tourist boards, Visit Philly and the Philadelphia Convention and Visitors Bureau, the Center coordinates tourism for local attractions, including Historic Philadelphia properties and National Parks sites. The center, located at 6th & Market Street, on the Independence Mall, and he discussed the unique relationship it has with the federal agency, overseeing the visits to Independence Hall. He described the vibrant and important tourist industry to the city, not just filling hotel rooms and restaurants, but also providing jobs for other service providers including cabs, tour groups, bus drivers and more. Jim discussed the region and how they offer tourism assistance for Center City, the historic sites and the museums of the Parkway, but also attractions and events in the surrounding counties, from Valley Forge through Sesame Place and beyond. He touched on partnerships with the different organizations and city support, including SEPTA. He spoke on the holiday offerings, including new ones at City Hall’s Dilworth Plaza and new attractions linking the different hot spots. He wrapped with suggestions for visiting Philadelphia over the holidays, including parking, the use of the Center’s own PHLASH bus with special discounts and free rides, special events at the various parks and leading up the New Year’s Mummers Parade.
Independence Visitor Center