Interview: Andrew W.K. Preaches the Power of Positive Partying Download

Download October 15th, 2017

Before his show at the TLA earlier this week, party enthusiast Andrew W.K. visited the MMR studios to chat with the Preston and Steve Show (joined by uber-fan Sara). When we say “party”, most people might think of heavy drinking or reckless behavior. Andrew has a different take on the partying philosophy and explained that a party can be whatever you want it to be. Simply put, to party is to “enjoy the fact that you’re not dead” and celebrate in ways that make you happy.

In addition to being a musician, Andrew is also a DJ, columnist and motivational speaker. What’s he motivating people to do? The answer: “to live with as much joy as possible.”

This doesn’t always come easy to the King of Partying, though. In fact, he told us that he’s “almost gifted in negativity”. To get himself into a positive frame of mind, he says that you have to “apply yourself to something that seems worthwhile… and if you’re gonna focus on something, getting cheered up might as well be a good thing to spend your time on.”

We also talked about his signature bloody nose, the joy of music, how to find one’s purpose in life, and his new taco guitar, which made an appearance on South Street later that night…

Keep an eye out for Andrew W.K.’s new album of party anthems, due out in March of 2018!

If you need a daily dose of optimism in your life, be sure to follow Andrew W.K. on Twitter. He doles out excellent advice.

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