Checkpoint XP

Is Fortnite Fun Again? Download

01:27:28 Download June 26th, 2020

This week on Checkpoint XP:
(0:00) Is Fortnite Fun Again?
The new season of Fortnite is here and with it comes sweeping changes to the map as well as water-skiing sharks! It gets the group to ask the question “but is that fun?”
(11:58)  EA Update
EA held their summer conference and unveiled some of the new stuff coming down the pike. And yes, Skate 4 is finally happening.
(23:56) Mixer is shutting down
Microsoft is officially pulling the plug on Mixer, sending their streamers over to Facebook Gaming. But Ninja sounds like he has other ideas in mind.
(33:53) Is Rocket League Dead?
When’s the last time you thought about Rocket League? The guys wonder if it’s just dead and buried.
(43:43) Hum that tune

Ric wants us to get our humming pants on. Someone stop this madness.
(55:40) Gaming and Esports News – 

PAX West is Latest Convention to Go Online
Kingdom Hearts Rhythm Game is Canon
The King of Kong has had his records reinstated
Pokemon Snap is making a comeback
Blizzard Bans Thousands of Bots in Warcraft Classic
(1:07:39) Patient Gamer – Horizon: Zero Dawn
On this week’s edition of the Patient Gamer, Robbie tells us about Horizon: Zero Dawn, a game that went from “who cares?” to “this is amazing!” in the blink of an eye.
(1:17:39) Social Media Check-in
We check in with our social media followers to find out what game you love that no one else has ever heard of.

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