Today’s Live from the MMaRchives cut was recorded at one of The Morning Zoo’s Atlantic City shows. We not sure of the exact date of this performance, but we do know it was in 1991, when Marc Cohn’s self-titled debut album was released. That album would eventually be certified platinum. The lead track is “Walking In Memphis”.
Kevin Gunn, or “The Professor” as Pierre calls him, was a producer for the Morning Zoo. Here he explains the popularity of these beach broadcasts: “From 1986 through 1991 WMMR’s Morning Zoo spent the 3rd week of every August broadcasting live from Atlantic City. 1986 was in The Atlantis, and each year thereafter was from Trump Plaza. Comedians, musicians and sports luminaries joined the house band “The Flaming Caucasians” every morning from 6-10AM. The house sat about 700 and was usually filled, especially as the week wore on. On Fridays, John DeBella would turn the house over at 8AM, to make room for the fans lined up outside the showroom, who didn’t make it in for the first seating.”