In case you missed it here is the tribute I did today on the air for my dog Lucy. Again, thank you for all the calls, letters, e-mails and texts. It really means a lot to me!
P.S. Below are just a few of the e-mails I’ve received in the last few days. The support has been asoblutely incredible!
Good day Pierre. If anyone thinks you’re crazy, then I must be bonkers! I’m sitting at my desk, with a tear in my eye for a dog I never even met.
Sending positive energy your way,
Lance, Oaks PA
Good Day Good Citizen, I wanted to tell you my story. My son Sean died at the age of 19 on 6/29/09. Of course my wife and I were devestated and completly lost. As 09 became 10 i began to think about getting a pet to help us through our grief. We acquired Bennie a gorgeous Goldendoodle on 3/1/10 He has been a godsend to us.My family loves him deeply and I love him for the transformation he has achieved for us. He was not a replacement for my son , but he has restored love in our lives. I feel your loss and im so sorry for you.Greg Shaffer
Pierre as a dog owner lover I totally get it I’m setting here in my office with the door closed with tears and a giant lump in my throat. In my life I have owned 3 very special dogs that I’ve had to put down at the end of their days. I cried more for them then when my owned father passed. Thank you for the tribute not only for Lucey but all of our 4 legged best friends
Mark Stiegler
You are so brave. Don’t know how you are doing this. Crying at my desk. She was very lucky to have you and you to have her.
It’s a beautiful Wednesday afternoon while I’m sitting in my car. I eat lunch with you every day. I have to tell you… I’m listening to you talk about your Lady Lucy and you’re breaking my heart. I lost my girl Bear almost 5 years ago and I still miss her every day. Bear was part Shepherd part Golden and the Best friend my kids and I have ever had.
I’ve never felt compelled to write before but I had to tell you I am so sorry for your loss. I know I will miss Lucy stories and hear of her visits.
My deepest Sympathy
Village of Florence, NJ
I compose this email to you with teary eye…
My deepest conductance’s for the lose of your Lucy.
Listening to your remembrance of your beloved Lucy was just brilliantly articulated. It reminds me of the times I had with my dogs that have past as well.
I certainly do believe as you said that they are “Angels”
Our condolences in this sad time for you. I am sitting here very moved by your tribute to your best friend and companion. I get it, all dogs are “wonder dogs”. We have two cardigan welsh corgis. Last May the male went down with a couple of herniated disks. Many people look at us as if we have three eyes as we told the surgeon at UofP to operate. He came through the operation fine, but could not move his back legs. It has been a long haul including hydrotherapy twice a week since June, he still goes. But, long story shortened, he can now walk, wobbly but walk. The sheer joy in his eyes and entire body this morning when he was out in the yard, running and bouncing about in his wobbly way, makes it all worth while.
We get it. We feel for you and know Lucy is in a good place.
Bill & Patty
P.S. I have been listening to WMMR since before you arrived here and have met you once or twice over the years.