Checkpoint XP

Nintendo Will See You In Court Download

01:28:14 Download October 27th, 2020

(0:00) Nintendo getting lawsuit happy
Nintendo is taking people to court left and right over infringements on their trademarks. The company has always been fiercely protective over their IPs, but this might be a bit much.
(12:00)  CS:GO and Overwatch Rostermania
Rostermania has begun in the Overwatch League, with players being moved left and right. Meanwhile, CS:GO is losing 100 Thieves while gaining a major C9 roster.
(24:00) Lebron grounds his kid, a FaZe clan pro
Lebron James grounded his son from attending a Call of Duty tournament after he posted himself smoking weed on Instagram. The catch? Bronny plays for FaZe Clan.
(34:00) Sarah Silverman met her partner on Call of Duty
More and more people are meeting their significant other through video games. This story rang true with us.
(43:49) Never Have I Ever – Video Game Edition

The popular drinking game is back, but without the alcohol and with some foolishness.
(55:48) Gaming and Esports News – 

Next Gen Avengers Game Versions Delayed
Final Fantasy 8 is getting a physical PS4 release…for some reason?
A Speed Runner beats Baldur’s Gate 3 in 7 Minutes
Doom Running on a Calculator Powered by Old Potatoes
Spider-Man Miles Morales introduces Spider-Man the Cat
(1:07:50) The Patient Gamer
On this week’s edition of the Patient Gamer, we take a look at Kali’s all time favorite game – Final Fantasy VIII.
(1:17:48) Social Media Check-in
We check in with our social media followers to find out what was the first game you used a guide for?

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