Did you hear that PennDOT is testing an Automated Work Zone Speed Enforcement program? They will be installing cameras in the locations listed below and violators will be fined.
So, hey, SLOW DOWN, FOLKS, there are lives on the line!
- Interstate 78 Section (Mile Markers 35-43), BerksCo
- Interstate 476 Total Reconstruction (Mileposts 31-38), MontCo
- Interstate 83 Exit 4 Project (Mileposts 3-4), York Co
- US 1, Section RC1, BucksCo
- Interstate 276, Section RC1, BucksCo
- US 1, Section WAV (Wayne Avenue Viaduct), NE Philly
- PA 885, Section A45, Allegheny Co
And have you considered installing a dash cam in your personal or work vehicle? After the stories shared on this podcast you’ll definitely add one to your wish list. Hit the play button above to listen.