Dustin Bates from Starset is the latest guest on the show. While I’ve never met Dustin in-person, I love talking to him. He’s one of the most diverse rockers I’ve ever talked with. I’m usually the dumbest person in any conversation, today, it couldn’t be truer!
We discuss the new Starset album, that drops on September 13th. He talks about the writing, recording and “cinematic” approach they take in their music. He defines Starset, tells me about DJENT guitars – which I’ve never heard of – and what influences and inspires him. We get into some sci-fi movie talk, the pressure of putting out new music as well as working with Youtube drummer, Luke Holland. Putting together the live show is a big thing with this band and Dustin pulls the curtain back on how it’s done. Spinal Tap moments, there’s been a few. He tells me about working with Adam from Saint Asonia and he tells me about some of his favorite gadgets…and some of these are very cool!
Al Beck is back to bring the pod down with Rock News. LOL….It’s TOOL day, as the new album drops, so we talk about that. A Fyre Festival band gets sued, Dave Grohl news, Pink Floyd releasing a box-set and Disturbed releases a really cool video for a live track that you can watch here – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDKjKM8CmXA
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