Jacky Bam Bam

Local Boy TOM KEIFER Re-Releases His Debut Album Download

Download April 21st, 2016

It’s like hearing from a good ol’ friend ’cause he is a good friend, and we are so proud of him – TOM KEIFER is coming home to play a big show at Harrah’s Philadelphia (4/28/16). Tom called in to my show to talk about the upcoming release of a Deluxe Edition of his debut solo album The Way Life Goes. We find out why he is remastering it and re-releasing it… How the original artwork was supposed to be and why it didn’t happen!?… Touring and recording w/ The Tom Keifer Band and who breaks their phone the most…lol.. If you grew up in The Galaxy and Empire Rock Club w/ Cinderella, Get shakin’ and pick up Tom’s debut CD and let’s cheer him on at Harrah’s Philadelphia!!! Take a listen to this cool conversation!! xoxo..BAMBAM


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