Name of Event:
Joe Russell’s GoFundMe for Cancer Treatments
Brief Description of Event:
Joe is a type 2 diabetic who has had a hard time recovering from his third round of COVID illness. Due to issues relating from the COVID illness he has been out of work since September 2022. During Joe’s family Christmas trip, he got a lot of swelling in his ankles and feet & wasn’t able to walk but a few steps. They rented a scooter and he did as much as he could, but he was just not feeling great so he spent the majority of their trip in the hotel room. Then his eyes began yellowing. They had been adjusting his diabetes medication so the thought was the yellowing was due to the med switch. He went to the doctor when they got home & he was immediately sent to the ER where he underwent every test you can think of.
All of the symptoms of a diabetic recovering from their 3rd round of covid mimic colon cancer. Even the doctors here said they would’ve thought the same thing if they were us. He started on chemo treatments immediately. His second round will be January 20th. Please keep Joe & his family in your thoughts & prayers. The family is devastated & they want to give him the best chance they can, but he needs medicine & they do not have medical insurance. Joe is 48 years old & married to Stevi with two children – Zennia, 10yo & Severen, 8yo who are both homeschooled.
Previously, Joe was working as a lead Technician for Peggs. Since he is unable to perform manual labor now, he hopes to move into an IT role to be able to work from home in the future. He has a passion for the arts & music. Joe is described by his wife as selfless, always putting others before himself, he has the ability to make you laugh regardless of the circumstances, he has a quick wit, & protects his family first.
Link to event website: