Equal Employment Opportunity Information:
WMMR-FM is an equal opportunity employer and is dedicated to performing broad outreach to fill job vacancies at the station. We seek the help of local community organizations in referring qualified applicants to our station. Community Organizations that wish to receive our job postings should contact the WMMR business office by calling 610-771-0933. We also encourage listeners to visit http://bbgi.com/careers/ where you will find an on-line listing of job openings at the Beasley Broadcast Group.
WMMR is currently accepting applications for future internships. The WMMR internship program is an unpaid college internship program and eligible candidates must receive credit from a college or other accredited educational institution:
If you are interested in an internship with the MMR Promotions Department – send a cover letter & resume to Todd@wmmr.com
If you are interested in an internship with the Preston & Steve Show – send a cover letter & resume to Marisa@wmmr.com
If you are interested in the Sales Department please email your cover letter and resume to sgalanos@wmmr.com