Rodney Dangerfield Vintage 1983 WMMR Ad
Today, November 22nd, would’ve marked the 103rd birthday of one of the greatest comedic presences: the great Rodney Dangerfield. The incredible comedy powerhouse was born today in 1921 in New York. Rodney best known for his zinging one-liners and his infamous catchphrase “I can’t get no respect!”. He was also quite the comedic star on the silver screen with Caddyshack and Back To School an integral part of his acting resume. We unfortunately lost Rodney back in October of 2004.
To celebrate Mr. Dangerfield’s life and legacy, Pierre Robert decided to showcase a very interesting part of his comedic works. One that is very specific to Philadelphia and even more so for WMMR.
From The Vintage WMMR Vault

“You know what the R stands for? Not respect…Rock and Roll!”. Those are the opening words from Rodney Dangerfield appearing in a TV ad for WMMR from 1983. He goes on to say “They respect their rock and roll. Block parties of your favorite artists, Double-Shots, they got the good stuff”. 41 years since that ad and we’re still continuing that good stuff!
To celebrate Pierre played the full commercial followed by the Beatles “Birthday” (a synchronistic tribute since The White Album was also released on this day). You can check out the full advertisement below as we wish the great man Rodney Dangerfield a very happy birthday from us here at MMR!