DAILY RUSH | Trying Durian & Surströmming: Stinkiest Foods in the World
During his Scandinavian trip, Preston was introduced to surströmming, a fermented herring that is considered a Swedish delicacy and probably the smelliest food in the world. Why not open it in an air tight radio studio?
In full professional attire (goggles, lab coats & rubber gloves) we weened into the putrid smells by first cracking open Durian, an hard, thorny, Asian fruit with a sweet, custard consistency. Turns out only two of those three adjectives were accurate:
Yes, that was gross, but it was rainbows and unicorns compared to surströmming. It tastes like the devil finished in your mouth:
Hopefully the smell will vacate the studio by Christmas.
*thank you to Brad of Signature HVAC for dropping off an Air Scrubber Plus donated by Ferguson HVAC (Lyon and Conklin) to make it somewhat bearable in here.