In Honor of Oprah’s Fall: the best MMR FAILS caught on film
Over the weekend Oprah was in stage in Los Angeles as part of her motivational tour. She was at a point in the presentation speaking about the importance of keeping your life in balance when she tripped and fell off the stage. A little too ironic, don’t you think?
Don’t worry O, we’ve been there too. Way too many times. In honor of Oprah’s tumble, here’s a collection of the best Preston & Steve Show falls. Pierre makes a couple appearances as well.
Two things that don’t mix: Preston & Steve Show and extreme sports. According to the story, Preston doing the balance board just moments before. Fortunately, the camera wasn’t turned on until Nick’s gave it a try:
A classic from the Winter Classic. Marisa was doing laps during the media skate and this happened right behind the ESPN reporters:
Cardboard Classic has provided lots of LOL moments. First up, Pierre Robert’s epic 2010 fall (also the last year we allowed double-decker sleds)
If you’re not already watching these with the sound on, turn it on to fully enjoy Casey’s collapse:
2015 – Marisa says it was a slide, we’re pretty sure she slipped:
And then there was this debacle:
We’ll continue to add more videos as we find/remember them. Keep checking back.
If you remember any of our blunders please send them to ASAP!