We’re Supporting Nigella’s “Meekro Wahvé” w/ this List of Fununciations
British Chef, Can this be the end of it now? https://t.co/QVc2FHJiMq
I actually laughed out loud. Catch me never pronouncing microwave correctly again https://t.co/lpJx9dk1qw
— jack rem (@jackremmington) December 8, 2020
As a group of people or talk for 4+ hours a day and mispronounce words all the time, sometimes on purpose, most of the time not, WE TOTALLY SUPPORT THIS! Here is list of words that we created this morning that should only be known by their Fununciations (Fun + Pronunciation)
- gnocchi = gin-a-chetti
- fagioli = fag-i-oli
- ginger ale = ging-er ahh-lay
- pipeline = pip-i-lini
- Chick-Fil-A = chick-a-fill
- Chipotle = chip-olé
- quinoa = quinn-o-a
- geese = jees-ey
- knief = k-neef-y
- Wawa = Wabity Wabity
- jalapenos = ja-lop-a-nos
- Popeyes = pope yes
- chaos = cha-hos
- through = tha-ruff
- Bologna = ba-log-nah
- fajitas = fa-ji-tas
- hors d’oeuvres = whores da-voures
- bolognese = bowl-of-g’nese
- depot = de-pot
- mozzarella = maz-a-ralla
- Waze = Wah-say
- Cajun = Ca-hoon (note: the speaker was Latino, j=h)
- leopard = lee-o-parde
- Post Malone = Post-Mal-One
- filet mignon = fill-et mig-non
- burgundy = bur-GUND-y