Casey Boy Creates The Loose Sausage Club | Preston & Steve
*Bell tolls* “Members of The Loose Sausage Club, we convene to create the ultimate French bread pizza.”
Thank you, Steve.
Preston read a survey which listed out the top appliances people use to heat up their food. The top ones were a microwave, toaster oven, or a straight up oven. Everyone talked about which appliances they use the most, and Casey uses the microwave – all the time.
Casey explained his reason for using the microwave stating, “I don’t got the time…No no, I have the time. I don’t have the patience.”
So for anyone who needs to heat up food fast, Caseyboy has it down pat. He does a combo action, where he microwaves the pizza for 2 minutes and then bakes it for 5 minutes and “you’re good to go.”
Steve loves sausage on French Bread pizza only. Pre-bought sausage, right into the microwave. But Casey is pro loose sausage on a pizza. Apparently, he never knew about loose sausage until he made his cheese dip.
Preston was astounded how Casey didn’t know about loose sausage until recently. Now he welcomes Casey to the club.
“Let’s start The Loose Sausage Club.”
Preston grabbed a piece of paper and scribbled that down. He IS making that a band name!
Some places put sliced sausage on their pizza, and Casey isn’t down with that. The last-minute tidbit for any Delconians is that Imperial and Pikas put loose sausage on their sausage pizza!
*Bell tolls* And that is the end of the first meeting of The Loose Sausage Club. Until next time!