Tami’s Loki In The Spotlight In Zero & Hazzard’s Cat Club
Many wonderful cats in Zero & Hazzard’s Cat Club including Tami’s Loki, Nicole’s kitten Callie and Mary’s Martha Steward.
Thank you for sharing photos and videos.
Officially now, there are so many waiting in the wings that we have stopped notifying people when we get their kitties up on the site. Please check back to see if you are in the club!
Send your photo and/or video to JackyBamBam@WMMR.com. You can also post to the Zero & Hazzard’s Cat Club Page on facebook. If you can, please provide your name(s), Cat(s)names, where you hail from and feel free to write a little something if it moves you.
Looking forward to seeing your furry friends and family!
The first 100 Cats who joined the Cat Club can be found HERE.
Zero & Hazzard's Cat Club
One of Karen’s Tabbies
All of Karen’s Tabbies
One of Karen’s Tabbies
One of Karen’s Tabbies
Two of Karen’s Tabbies
No, we cannot te-l them apart!
One of Karen’s Tabbies
Karen’s Rio
One of Karen’s Tabbies
Candice’s Marco
Christopher’s Cat
Can’t you hear me knocking?
Karen has her hands full
Donna’s Angel
Angel giving me “what for”. Didn’t feed in the proper timeframe. LOL
Candy Cat Club
My CANDY Cat Club is loving Jackie rocking the daytime! Love the Cat Candy Club, Rhys, Skittles, Hershey, & Rolo (and mama Sweet Annemarie)
Robert’s Binx, Choi & Kona
From left to right Binx, Choi & Kona Siamese cats rock!
Molly’s Dexter Morgan
Dexter Morgan proud of himself after he almost caught his first bird 🤣
Kristi’s Cheddar and Jade
Eric’s Oliver
Mike’s Beeker
Dave’s Tom
Fat boy Tom
Stephanie’s Jaxon
Dawn’s Harry
My Harry man. Always there when I need him. ♥️♥️♥️
Nancy’s Rocky and Rambo
One of them has Satan in his blood.
Marion’s Jax and Boo
My brother boyz - JAX ( white on chest) & BOO🐈⬛🐈⬛
Ashley’s Fred
AnnMarie’s Romeo
My Romeo
Virginia’s Chloe
My sweet and silly Chloe🖤🤍🐈⬛️
Roseann’s Calvin Francis Albert
....gone but never forgotten.
Frank’s Roxy
Fat cat Roxy
Jean’s Bobbie
John’s Cleo and Jimmie the Cat
Frank’s Starfire
My little Starfire
Alyssa’s new kitten Pedro
Denise’s Sienna
Gary’s Cat Silly
My black Bombay cat "Silly"
Al DelBuono’s Mickey, Iggy, Reggie, Polly
Jill’s Fosters
Fostering these cuties I found Momma D
Mary’s Grey and Romeo
Grey and Romeo🐈♥️🐈♥️🐈♥️
Kim’s Ash and Muffin
These are my boys Ash and Muffin.
Darlene’s Fuzz
This is my 'feral' girl, Fuzz. She's VERY spoiled and loves to get loving, just doesn't want to be an inside cat! One of her sisters was the mom to my 4 inside cats. They love Aunt Fuzz. They hang out in the window together.
Dino’s Gourdie
This is Gourdie helping out in the studio...sleeping on the Job. Xena is our Calico Warrior Princess. The black one is Mini, short for Minion. Most times we call him Min Min. The grey one is a Russian Blue that my daughter named Frankenstein. Don’t ask me why. We call him Frankie for short and affectionately “Fwank Fwank”. He’s a chatter box. BTW… I was a remote broadcast engineer for this group of stations about 10 years ago when it was Greater Media. I have done quite a few gigs with Jacky. The joke was Dino and BamBam. Thanks, I love the Cat Club page. Keep up the nice work! Dino
Dino’s Xeno
Dino’s Minion and Frankenstein
Theresa’s Angel
Angel, he likes to sit on the countertop when the dishwasher is drying.
Eva’s Benvolio
This was our Benvolio 💗
Mike’s Dutch
Here is Dutch
Jean’s Salem
Bernice’s Azreal
This is a Azreal.
Steve’s Looie
This is Looie. I think Hazzard & him are brothers!
Melissa’s Ashton James
This is Ashton James and he is so spoiled!
Daryle’s Maura
Daryle’s Maura
She LOVES her tape measure!
Daryle’s Maura
Ashley’s Merlin
Lisa’s Inigo and Phantom
Timmy’s Melvin
This is my main man Melvin. He is named after (the) Melvins, Melle Mel and Mel Torme. Some say he is the cutest boy in all the land.
Laura’s Josette
They were rescued by my husband in their work parking lot back in October of 2008. He was afraid one of the concrete trucks would hit them. They are named for characters on Dark Shadows.
Laura’s Barnabas
Barnabas is also 15 yrs old, and is Josette's brother.
Stephanie & Billy’s Rēa
This is Rēa (Ray-a), just had her 1st bday... Dr. wasn't sure she would make a year due to a serious brain injury (head trauma). She's an amazing Lil ball of happiness and loves playing hide and seek❣️ love u bunches Stephy and Billy Pillows Edgewater Park 🎶🎵🥳
Eric and Dana’s Oliver and Panda
This is Oliver and Panda. My wife (Dana) and I live with them in Swedesboro, NJ. We have had Oliver (8 y/o) 7 yrs. We adopted Panda (14 y/o) last month. There seems to be a lot of unnecessary butt sniffing over the last week or so. Eric Rodilosso
Tori Thomas’s Griffin. (Tori used to work on WMMR)
Griffin was adopted from an animal shelter in PA. (Griffin Pond Animal Shelter). He's around 2 years old. He came to the shelter from a hoarding situation. When he arrived at the shelter he was only 4 lbs! Now he's eating me out of house and home! He's fearless. He won't even move when I vacuum! I'm a firm believer in the motto: Adopt, don't shop! Meet Griffin! Tori Thomas Promotions Director / Afternoons MAX 102 Wilkes-Barre/Scrantion
David’s Mocha
David’s Thunder and Mocha
This is Mocha (Female Tortie) and Thunder (Male grey tabby). Mocha was a rescue from a Vet hospital. She was brought in after she was stuck in an engine when it started and ended up with a broken hip/femur and burned ear tips. She is now 2 and you would never know she was hurt!! Thunder was a barn kitten I adopted from same Veterinary hospital!! We all share an apt in the Temple University section of Philly!!
Birdman’s Ayla
This is Ayla (named after the video game character from Chrono Trigger) She’s the oldest kitty at 15 but is still very spry. She loves cookies, meowing at 3 am to check if you’re OK and having naps with me and guarding me while i sleep. I hail from Guelph,Ontario, Canada Miss ya Jacky! I’ll have to call in again some night soon! Mike
Birdmans’ Dutch
This is Dutch (named after Arnie in Predator) He’s a big momma’s boy but he loves belly pets and his cape.
Birdman’s Beeker
This is Beaker,(named after the silly muppet). He is a Ragdoll kitty and loves face rubs and playing with his own tail.
Joe’s Kali
Hi Jacky, We have spoke on the phone before. My name is Joe from FAR NE Philly. And this is my soon to be 16 yr young, Kali. We got Kali on my birthday of August 5th, 2007. She had wondered away from her mother and siblings.and had been found as a kitten, on the streets of Trenton. When we got her she was about 5 weeks old and I have had her ever since. In the almost 16yrs that I have had her, the only nights I was away from her were when I was in the hospital for a few day and when she was in the hospital getting a procedure don't for a few days. Since she is a calico and my last name is "Kohnow", I dubbed her Kali-Kohnow. Thanks, Joe and Kali
Andrea’s Miss Lilly
We just got a new Kitten today!!!! Miss Lilly
Andrea’s Miss Lilly
We just got a new Kitten today!!!! Miss Lilly
Jon’s Lemmy Purmister
Jacky and Brittany’s Hazzard
Tracie’s Oliver
This is Oliver..aka Ollie, floof, jerk, a hole. 🤣🤣🤣 Loves to do the main coon hang as pictured. He is 6 months old. He even nods his head backwards and meows at you when you walk into the room like "hey!" My kids say he has Italian in his blood. "How you doin'?" 🤣🤣
Nicole’s Tink
This is our cat Tink. My fiancé and I adopted her and her sister Molly 2 years ago through Lucky You Rescue
Karen’s Missy
This is my Missy. She is a gorgeous girl, but unfortunately she’s semi-feral. She belonged to a mother cat of a feral colony of 35 cats that I took care of when I worked in New Jersey.
Kim’s Greyman
This is Greyman, he is 15 years old.
Jennifer’s Goldfish of the Galaxy
Here is Goldfish of the Galaxy. He has hydrocephalus but is thriving! I adore him!!
Christine’s cat
Karen’s Pip
This is my Pip. I found him when he was about eight weeks old in my backyard. No idea where he came from. He doesn’t really meow, he just says meh.
Drew’s Sweetie
This is my boy... Sweetie.
Jacqueline’s Kiti and Oliver
Kiti (tux) & Oliver. Kiti is 14 & needed a friend after losing all her buds, so Oliver was brought in two years ago as a kitten. The rest is history.
Mary’s Mashed Potato
Mashed Potato- he’s pretty, and he knows it 😃😻
Kim’s Bumblebee and her Mom, Queen Bee
Peggy’s Poppy
My Poppy, I rescued her right after my divorce and she saved me!
Mary’s Martha Steward
This is Martha Steward-just had a R nephrectomy. She’s doing great. She’s little and mighty ❤️ She’s the smallest/most refined but will kick the other cats asses if they try to bully or steal her food.
Marie’s cat
Karen’s Abby
This is my Abby. She was my foster failure. She left for a week, and they returned her, and I said that’s it. She’s home. She’s also my killer cat. No bugs or lizards or anything like that stand a chance in my house with her.
Pamela’s Natalie
Elliot's sister Natalie, a stray from the streets of Hershey. She is 14 and you get to pet her on her terms, claws are always ready to swipe at you😏🤣 but her brother tries to keep her in line.
Nicole’s Callie
This is our kitten Callie. She was born at my fiancé's work. She is 10 weeks old. She almost fell into a drain so my fiancé played Superman and saved her.
Beth’s Tempest
This is Tempest, named for the day we found him, Friday October 13th, a very unlucky day for the Knights Templar, but a very lucky day for him.
Tami’s Loki
This is Loki and yes, he lives up to his name lol! He chases the dog, will definitely let you know if you have displeased him, but he is very loving too. I work from home, and he has a spot on my desk that he comes to every day while I’m working and hangs out with me. This is him being charming. LOL!
Jacky and Brittany’s Hazzard
Karen’s Charlie
This is my sweet boy Charlie. He may look angry - Russian Blues tend to, but he is the kindest most gentle boy ever.💕
Amy’s Bennett
Amy's Bennett. This is Bennett. She was born under a porch on a farm. She plays fetch better than any retriever I know (not only bringing the toy back to you, but dropping it at your hand or foot for you to throw it again) and she loves to perch herself on your shoulder like a Pirate's parrot. She would rather play with humans instead of the 8 other felines that reside with us.
Cheyenne’s Cats
Cheyenne's Cats. This is some of my brood. There are 8 in this pic (there are 14 total). Starting at the pillows: Bug (white) Blu(grey)..Fat Gurl (tortie). In the middle..Big Dewy (grey tabby).. Bee dub Ya (black&white)Lil Mama (black she is blu & bee dubs mom). On the corner Holley Hissypants (tortie). On the laundry basket Hewy (grey tabby& Dewys brother ). They have a third brother Lewy (orange tabby not pictured)
Nicole’s Molly
Nicole's Molly. This is our cat Molly. My fiancé and I adopted her and her sister Tink 2 years ago through Lucky You Rescue.
Mary’s Chowder
Mary's Chowder. Chowder-very sweet, loving and friendly to all of the cats but he’ll mooch food. 🤣
Susan’s Tinkerbelle
Susan's Tinkerbelle. This is Tinkerbelle.. she loves boxes, also fetches her toys when u throw them.. Most of the time she's sweet, but don't piss her off as she'll scream at u and attack your ankles.
Lauren’s Poof
Lauren's Poof. This is POOF. We were trying to figure out what to name her since we weren't fond of Arianna the animal shelter gave her so we thought Willow and maybe Cali (calico) but she was such a cute little poof ball. Thought she might be a Maine Coon but her face didn't match. I googled fluffy long haired cats and I think she is a Norwegian Forrest Cat. Either way we love our Poof ball . And she loves the open window breeze , Winter, Spring , Summer and Autumn.
Margie’s Emma
Margie's Emma. This is Emma who we rescued from Faithful Friends Animal Society in Wilmington. She is a content indoor cat that loves to play with hair ties and milk jug tabs. She carries them around in her mouth like a dog. She also loves chasing her tail.
Melissa’s Rowdy Roddy Piper (on the left) and Mini Minerva (yes named after Pierre’s Minerva!
Melissa's Cats. This is Rowdy Roddy Piper (on the left) and Mini Minerva (yes named after Pierre’s Minerva!). Mini was rescued from the Philadelphia ship yard. Rowdy had a procedure to remove cancer from his intestine. The procedure was three years ago and he is doing so well!! Thank you to Red Bank Animal Hospital!
Cheryl’s Ayla, Sebastian & Blaine
Cheryl's Ayla, Sebastian & Blaine
Karen’s Moose
This is my Moose. He weighs about 20 pounds and is a big mush. He was part of a litter to a stray feral mama. But he is the biggest love.
Tracie’s Lucy
This is Lucy. She will be 17 August 8th. She loves just chilling out on the back of the sofa and or wants to be on the heating pad when I pull it out for myself. She will even try to nudge me off of it for herself. 🤣 With her age, she doesn't do much but there are times she still will play like a kitten and go zooming around the house with ease. She knows when I am going to have an anxiety attack or when my blood pressure is dropping. She will get right in my face, start meowing, and if needed will put her teeth on a finger or my arm but won't bite down. (Like a love bite...not aggressive) She is my girl. 🥰
Nicole’s Olivia, Emilio, Marty, Raj, Maxine, Chloe and Patty
Olivia, Emilio, Marty, Raj, Maxine, Chloe and Patty. Some of the ferals saved and living their best lives thanks to Saved Whiskers Rescue Organization Inc.
Heather’s Bella and Oliver
We've always had Siamese se we decided we wanted two kittens as they will take us to our 70s and we want to be responsible cat owners. We had to drive from Phoenixville to Chincoteague Va to get them. Made a weekend out of it so it was fun. They have the best personalities. Never a dull moment. Bella and Oliver.
Mary’s Snoop Dogg Cat
He’s always watching and hanging out. Never turns down a pat or a treat. He really loves catnip.🤣
Susan’s Freddie
This is Freddie..we found him behind a restaurant in Hammonton.Nj.. He loves to play fetch.. we will throw his mouse or even a paper ball.. he retrieves it and brings it back to us.. He does it over and over.. he's like a dog.. ❤️
Mary’s Macroom
Our 12 year old orange tabby is named Macroom a/k/a Mr. Macky after our favorite town in Ireland 🇮🇪 He’s the best purrrrrrer!!
Denise’s Morgana
This is Morgana (aka Mew Mew) our rescue. She is a moody lil Russian Blue we adopted for our son w cat allergies. They are like peas and carrots.
Melissa’s Penny
This is Penny she is 11 years old and has been with me since she was a baby. She has a mean side to her so I take advantage of the moments when she wants love 😁 Her other names are Monkey and Chicken 🤣🐒🐓
Steve and Hubert
Kim’s Little Miss Pumpkin
Little miss PUMPKIN !!! And all her TOES !!!😳 Our most recent adoption 🐈🧡
Alison’s Ash
This little night goblin is Ash. He is a beautiful little trouble maker. He excels at zoomies at 3am, destroying blinds and giving the best head boops ever.
Zero wants a pic on!
Jess’ Jeff
Rare pic of Jeff not causing chaos! He also goes by Jefferson Starship or Deaf Jeff 3000. Much love and cat happiness, Jess from Cochranville, PA
Susan’s Sox
Susan's Sox is 3 years old.
Susan’s Crooky
Crooky is 13.
Susan’s Snuffy
Snuffy is 11.
Suzanne’s Chris Cornell and Lyric
Hi Jacky BamBam!! Here are my 2 sister kitties! I adopted them at 6 weeks old 4 years ago. I couldn’t separate them so we adopted both. They are calicos. The black one is named after Chris Cornell since he is my favorite musician of all time but we call her CC (his initials) and the white one is named Lyric. They are always together like this. So cute!! They melt me!! 🐱🎶 🤘🏻💕
Caroline’s Cats
This is our super-sexy current lineup at Caroline’s House of Cats: going clockwise from top we have Manny, Mimi, Winnie, Milo, and Nico. The 3M’s are all siblings and purebred Scottish Straights who I raised from kittens. They are floofy purring love bugs. Nico was a stray from Delco who’s a little crazy and thinks love means biting me or trying to kill me. Winnie is from South Philly and she growls and bitches at all the other cats but loves her humans ❤️ RIP to those who have left us: Mojo, Millie, and Champy ❤️
Karen’s Moby
This is my little boy Moby. I rescued him at 10 weeks old while he was dodging traffic on a 3 Lane Highway. Poor thing shook for two days straight. Now he’s a bratty teenager.
Meghann’s Whiskey
This is Whiskey. He decided he wanted to live in my apartment instead of his actual owner’s next door. The neighbors agreed with his plans, so now he’s my best little buddy! 💚
Yvonne’s Kenga
This is Kenga. My ex husband dropped her off for me to babysit while he had work done at his apt and never came back for her 😂! Lol she so funny!
Alison’s Milo
Milo soaking up the sun.
Anthony’s Rubysoho and Harry Potter
Lisa’s Mattie
I already submitted a picture of one of my cats(Robin) but here is my heart, Mattie. She will be 19 in September. My sister in law gave her to me as a Christmas present in 2004 and she was the best present I have ever received. -Lisa from Florence NJ
Karen’s Remi
Here is our sweet beautiful Remi! Remi is a Ragdoll cat and she will follow you around like a dog and even wags her tail. She has to be wherever you are at all times! She has 3 best friends, our golden retriever and two indoor free roam rabbits! For me, it is those spectacular blue eyes she has!
Mary’s Chowder
Chowder-one of the sweetest most loving cats…big food mooch 😻🤷♀️
Melissa’s Stone Bone
Our Grey kitty is Stone Bone We got him to help our white kitty with his separation anxiety. He’s hilarious and ornery and all so loving!
Mellissa’s Dougie
And our white Cat is Dougie. Is a polydactyl kitty and is calm, sweet and a Soft which makes Stone Bone and him the best duo. We would be lost without our guys!
Colleen’s Ghostie
My name is Colleen. Meet Ghostie our blue eyed/cross eyed Siamese mix. We welcomed Ghostie to our home in Bristol Borough 9/16/22. He was rescued in June of 2022 (sickly and weighing in at only 7lbs.) from a colony in Tacony by The Cat Collaborative and then fostered through Second Chances Rescue. (Shout out to his foster Mommy Nicole Legg) As you can see, he’s living his best life with us and his brother from another mother, Leo J.
Colleen’s Ghostie
Shelby, Mork and Mindy
Darlene’s Maxx
This is my Maxx. He's the only boy of 4 cats. He's our favorite (don't tell the girls). We are lucky to have him still. 2 years ago, he was stung by a bee, and had an anaphylactic reaction. He got really sick, really fast. Thankfully, we still have his adorable, goofy face! Darlene Hewitt Morrisville, PA
Kimberly’s Skittles
Maureen’s Cat
Michele’s Big Zig
Michele’s Brownie and Snow
Matt’s Jedi
Rita’s Bagherra
This is my Bagherra. He will be 19 on June 20th.