Today, August 23, is National Ride the Wind Day. Enjoy the last days of summer and the warm breezes as you celebrate the annual day.
Ride the Wind Day actually celebrates planes and flying. It commemorates the anniversary of the first human-powered flight to win the Kremer Prize. Now, there are more ways to “ride the wind,” though.
I see it as riding anything, like a motorcycle, a classic car, or even a bicycle through the summer breezes. You ride the wind on a good drive. There are tons of good driving songs that talk about “riding the wind.”
You can use the term “ride the wind” in different ways. We see it used when we do something without a purpose. Like the way that the wind is able to change its direction at any time without warning. Riding like the wind changes life’s course without any reason, rhyme, or warning.
Celebrate today by taking a nice long ride. Feel the breeze and go with the flow! Listen to some good driving music. We’re at the end of the summer. Savor it! There’s nothing better than feeling the freedom of letting the wind take you. You gotta do it on National Ride the Wind Day.