Theresa Adeliyi, MD Medical Director, Virtua Center for Women
Nicole Michalik and Marisa Magnatta speak with Theresa Adeliyi, MD Medical Director, Virtua Center for Women, They discuss UTIs, Vagina issues, Sex and Sweat.
You get a chance to talk about women’s health and to find out information about symptoms, odor, bumps and the like. all the nitty gritty that might be uncomfortable to talk about, but is important and reassuring that everyone goes through so much of this.
Some of the topics discussed include:
Is vagina itching normal?
How much vaginal discharge is normal?
How do you relieve UTI symptoms and prevent them from happening?
What could cause that feeling to use the bathroom a lot?
What does it mean when someone leaks when they sneeze or laugh?
What could cause new lumps and bumps to appear down there?
What would cause a lot of cramping, discomfort, or sharp pelvic pain?
Is it common for women to experience pain while having sex – occasionally or regularly?
What could cause someone to not be interested in having sex anymore? And can a woman’s body be revived?
Find out more at Virtua Health.
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