Strutting In The String Band Parade Down Haddon Ave
Come down to Haddon Ave. this weekend for an epic string band parade in a serenade to Camden County. I will be performing and strutting with Uptown String Band!
A String Band Parade Down Haddon Ave
See the String Band division this weekend in Haddon Heights, NJ. Saturday, April 20th from 1 pm to 3 pm. After the strut down the Ave. check out your favorite String Band at one of the following locations for live music and specials!
Get ready to strut. The parade starts at Euclid Avenue in Haddonfield. It ends in Haddon Square in Haddon Township. There are performance viewing areas along the way. One at P.J. Whelihan’s, another on Crystal Lake Ave, and of course, at the end in Haddon Square.
I’d like to thank the Camden County Board of Commissioners, Haddonfield, and Haddon Township for welcoming the Philadelphia Mummers String Band Association. This first annual String Band Parade Down Haddon Ave. should be really awesome.
Come on out and join me and the Uptown String Band for a great day of string bands and music, food and games, and other great surprises.
After the parade, Uptown String Band will perform at Haddon Square.
I hope to see you all there. It will be a super fun time and a great way to spend a Saturday.
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Hat Day At The Mummers Museum [PHOTOS]
It was a fantastic HAT DAY at the Mummers Museum this past Sunday, December 17, 2023!
The Mummers Museum invited everyone to STRUT on out from 12 pm to 5 pm to celebrate Hat Day and their Second Annual Membership Drive!
People were able to stop in to listen to the DJ, grab a drink and snack, renew their membership, sign up for the first time, tour the Museum, browse the gift shop, buy a brick, view the newly renovated catering hall, or simply enjoy the Mummers groups parade on by as they caught up with old friends!
I hosted the event. It was an honor to host and I thank everyone who became a new member, renewed their membership, purchased a brick or just simply showed up to support our Mummers Museum. Thanks to all the wonderful staff & volunteers behind the scenes who made it happen.
Please take a tour and sign up for a membership by visiting Let’s keep this Mummer tradition alive! Loved seeing young people at the event. The legacy will continue to live on! Visit my Facebook for more amazing photos by Bob Watts.
I can’t wait until January 1st! It’s almost here! The 2024 Mummers Parade is coming up fast and I cannot wait.
The JACKY BAMBAM SHOW is on 93.3 WMMR Weeknights 7p-12a playing the coolest songs ever made with many features for true music lovers. Jacky is a big supporter of The Philadelphia Mummers and is a Seven Time First Prize Award Winning Hall Of Fame Mummer. Before he took over the microphone, he was a drummer who released 2 albums and toured all over the world.