Go Fund Me for 5 year old
He suffered a cardiac arrest
Go Fund Me for Anthony
The Grell/Patricelli Family is enduring a parent’s and a family’s worst nightmare. On Thursday, May 12th, while at his sister Ava’s soccer practice, 5-year-old Anthony collapsed and went into cardiac arrest. His mother performed CPR on him until police and medics arrived. Others at the field also assisted and the family is VERY grateful to them.
Young Anthony is currently at CHOP where situations go minute by minute. Some family is staying by Anthony’s bedside, while others are traveling back and forth to Ewing/Philadelphia. Together we could help support this Ewing family by making small donations to help them pay for gas, parking, food, etc., during this awful ordeal.
Please pray for Anthony and his family, and know your kindness and concern are greatly appreciated.