Preston & Steve®

What year were you originally in the Preston & Steve calendar?  I was Miss June in the Preston and Steve 2019 Calendar!

Where are you now? Right now I am currently working hard and working towards my goals of becoming an successful screenwriter as I’m chipping away at a double major in Communications and Film and writing scripts in my spare time. I also recently became a Twitch streamer and hope to one day turn that into a future career as well!

Do you have a favorite memory from your calendar year? The most memorable thing about being in the calendar is no doubt the signing and how proud everyone in my life was of me. It was the first time in my life I felt truly acknowledged for my hard work and felt special and was a bit of a “celeb” around town. One of my brother’s students came up to him to tell him about the model from Voorhees in the “P&S Calendar” to which my brother begrudgingly confessed “that’s my sister.” A small price to pay for all the torture he bestowed on me growing up haha! I also have to casually mention my ex showed up to the signing to congratulate me while my current bf sat a few feet away. That was interesting to say the least.

What’s the first thing you think of when you see this photo? The first thing I think of when I see my photo in the calendar is “holy crap girl, you’re hot!”. I was incredibly nervous during the shoot and was in awe of how surreal everything felt that I think I psyched myself out a little bit while shooting. I wasn’t sure how the pictures would turn out since I wear my emotions on my sleeves, but nonetheless I blew myself away! I was so proud of the girl looking back at me.

If you were stranded on a Caribbean island with one member of the P&S show who would it be? Oh, you cannot force me to pick out of all the fabulous members of P&S to be stranded with when all of them most likely are useful in their own ways for our survival. But if I have to pick, I would pick Steve because he could do different impressions for our designated “Wilson” volleyball we will hallucinate about which will help with the loneliness. But realistically speaking, I would not last more than .5 seconds on a stranded island so there’s also that.

What’s your favorite P&S event you attended? My favorite P&S event was doing the Godshall’s Food Truck Challenge back in 2019! At first I thought I was just going to sign calendars and enjoy some good food with some good people, but Steve offered for me to be a judge on the panel and I was so incredibly honored to be included. Nothing felt better than being a part of the crew and getting to try so many different Philadelphian foods and they were all absolutely delicious! It was also nice to meet some of the younger fans of the show as well as getting to meet Steve and his gorgeous wife with my boyfriend on a more personal level was such a nice experience after being a fan for all these years!

What are you listening to? My current favorite song right now is “Change” by Deftones. That song makes me feel like I’m an over-emotional 13 year old in my bedroom thrashing around to the heavy guitar riffs! I say this as if I don’t still do this as an adult, but we don’t need to know that.

What’s one thing most people don’t know about you? One thing most people don’t know about me is that I’m a published author. I published a book when I was 16 years old, although it did not land New York’s Best Seller and nowhere near my best work, I am incredibly proud and it has helped motivate me to into becoming a screenwriter! The funniest part about successfully publishing my first novel is that I wrote the entire thing in 2 months and the entire story came to me in a hazy, but detailed dream (felt like a movie).

Do you still model? If so, where can we see you?  If not, why? Yes! I’m still currently modeling and thanks to Preston and Steve, more than ever! Ever since the calendar, I have found so much confidence within myself that I didn’t know existed. You can find me on Instagram: @lainamariec, Twitch (for my gamers):, and hopefully in the credits of a movie someday! Until then, keep rooting for me and I will keep striving for the best.

What advice would you give a future P&S calendar girl? Honestly, as cliche as it sounds, I would tell a future P&S girl to just be yourself! You’ve been chosen for a reason and that reason is because you are freaking hot and you are freaking awesome so go kill it and be proud of yourself for getting here!

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