Preston & Steve’s Soup Bowl is going down Friday, February 9 beginning at 7am.
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What ‘s the story of Soup Bowl? That simple question has many answers.
The Soup Bowl started out as a way of celebrating the excitement of snacking during Super Bowl weekend without actually saying Super Bowl because the “no fun league” has a lot of rules about that. When we introduced the idea to our old boss, Bill Weston, he freaked out. His concerns were so outrageous, we thought it was all a gag. But it was very real. he was concerned about spills in the studio. He admitted that any type of food could spill, but soup is extra messy.
Thus the legacy of the Soup Bowl and Bill’s distain for soup was born.
The last Soup Bowl was in 2014. It’s in the history books with our other similar events like Puppy Pooper Bowl and Possum Bowl . The common thread between those events is that they all took place on The Preston & Steve Show on Fridays before the Big Game.
After a few years of being really invested in the final football game of the season, we all need a good distraction before this this year’s game.
The Preston & Steve Show invited local restaurants to enter their most famous soup. We got a lot of entries. Sadly, we could only pick a handful to come in to the studio for the event. BUT, we love to support local businesses. So here we go, the 43 self-proclaimed best soups in the Greater Delaware Valley.