Jacky BamBam Hosting Spectrum The Band In Sicklerville
SATURDAY NIGHT!!! Join me in Sicklerville, NJ at Villari’s as I host The Mummers Costumer Delbuono’s Band “Spectrum”!
Join ME and my Mummer friends, Spectrum the Band this Saturday, March 16, 2024, at Villari’s in NJ. It’s from 7 to 11 pm. Be there!
SICKLERVILLE NJ!! SATURDAY NIGHT AT VILLARI’S Let’s Paint The Town Green with My Mummer Friends SPECTRUM!!
Spectrum the Band was formed by husband and wife Al & Yvonne Del Buono. They are Mummers royalty. They create and design costumes and pieces for The Mummers (including ME)! Hey Mummers, if they dress you, I better see you at this event, just saying…
They are a party band from South Jersey playing all your 70’s to today dance rock favorites. They totally rock and they’re my really good friends. I love to support them any chance I get!
I want to see you there! If you love Mummers, come show this amazing band your support. I will be in the crowd AND ON STAGE rocking out with you all.
Villari’s is at 2375 Sicklersville Rd in Sicklerville, NJ. Please come by and show Al and Yvonne your love and appreciation for all they do for us Mummers. Thank you in advance!