Record Store Day 2023 was this past Saturday, and like any true audiophile, I ventured out to grab some new pieces of vinyl to add to my collection. Truth be told, I need more vinyl & CDs like I need a hole in my head. I kid, I kid.
Since 2007, Record Store Day has been an annual event held on a Saturday in April, typically the 3rd Saturday of the month, and then again, every Black Friday in November. On these days we celebrate the “Mom & Pop” shops, the good ol’ “brick & mortar” stores, our beloved Independently owned record stores.
For over 15 years now, artists and bands alike have released music in all sorts of formats, colored vinyl, picture discs, cassettes etc. all typically in small batches and limited editions. None of which can be found at “big box stores” or online, you must go to your local record stores to get them. This year, by the time I got to my local record store, a lot of the ‘good stuff’ was already claimed. But there was still plenty to choose from, as you can see from my ‘finds’ below.
Record Store Day puts out a comprehensive list of selections that are specific to each RSD event. You can check out the list here. And as you can see, some releases are extremely limited – 500 copies or less for some items – which makes them very rare and very much sought after. And part of the fun of collecting!